“Clinical Debut” is an interdisciplinary olympiad for students of 3-4 courses of medical universities in pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, pharmacology, propaedeutics of childhood diseases and the
history of medicine.
Date: May 22, 2024
Participants: students of 3-4 courses of medical universities and faculties
Language: Russian
Event format: full - time
To participate in the Olympiad, it is necessary to fill out an application in the appropriate form by 23:59 on March 31, 2024 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSer0kSutDlGFNuRjRUOEuThPd85PfUl9PrydDs7bmj0JKAXVA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Students of 3-4 courses of medical universities are invited to participate in the Olympiad.The team consists of STRICTLY 5 people.
The team can be accompanied by a representative of the teaching staff of the medical university.
No more than 2 teams from the university are allowed to participate in the Olympiad. In case of a larger number of applications submitted, the first 2 registered teams from the university will be allowed to